With the car:
The travel to Děčín in the direction of Prague over the highway A17
is much faster than over the country roads,
but one has to buy a toll sticker (Vignette), Minimum 10 days.
One can buy this sticker with Euro or Czech money at a container
on a parking at the border after the last German exit “Bad Gottleuba”.
Theoretically one can drive without this sticker until the second exit,
but on the way back this sticker is necessary for the whole highway.
In Czech Republic light on the car is also mandatory during the daytime.
The highway has to be left at the second Czech exit “Teplice / Děčín”.
Then turn left to Děčín, go straight over the traffic circle,
and just follow route 13 to Děčín
In Děčín follow Route 13 to Liberec, until You see traffic signs
to Česka Lipa Route 262. These have to be followed.
From the great blue bridge over the river Labe (Elbe) there are now<
about 18 km on this country road 262 to the east:
Benešov nad Ploucnici
Frantiskov nad Ploucnici
Stary Šachov
In Stary Šachov You have to make a sharp right turn to Merboltice.
The pension is after exactly 5 km, it is about the 10. house
after the church tower on the right side.
Contact details:
Pension “U zlaté svině”
CZ – 40502 Merboltice 30
Phone [DE]: +49 177 21 000 60
Phone [CZ] and English: +420 602 312 898